Level of Achievement with Reference to Indicators

Vietnam / Output-3

Indicators in PDM ver. 1.2

Level of Current Achievement

Target in December 2015

3-1.   State Safety Program (SSP) and regulations on SMS for air navigation services have been developed.

CAAV has developed Guidelines on SMS for ANS in 2011. CAAV developed SSP and submitted for MOT’s approval in January 2013. SSP’s approval is expected in April 2013.

SSP and guidelines on SMS for ANS will have been developed by 2012 – 2013.

3-2.   ANSP’s SMS has been certified by CAAV

CAAV approved VATM’s SMS in November 2012. ACV’s SMS requires an update on its ANS component for approval by CAAV.

VATM and ACV will have implemented CAAV-approved SMS by 3Q of 2013. CAAV will have continuously reviewed the SMS of VATM and ACV.

3-3.   Record of SMS operation by ANSP is available.

VATM started applying SMS in January 2013, and records are available to CAAV upon request. ANS SMS has not started at ACV.

VATM and ACV will have maintained records of SMS-related activities since 2012/2103, and submitted reports to CAAV.

3-4.   Number of safety audits in air navigation services conducted by CAAV


CAAV will have conducted 2 to 3 safety audits in 2013, 2014 and 2015 in accordance with SSP. The first audit may be conducted by CAAV in 3Q of 2013.

3-5.   Number of corrective action recommended by the safety audits


CAAV will have made recommendations where necessary as a result of safety audits conducted in 2013, 2014 and 2015.

3-6.   Number of safety auditors/ inspectors who can conduct safety audits in air navigation services

CAAV issued Decision to license ANS inspectors in July 2012. CAAV issued licenses to 12 auditor/inspectors (including 4 ANS auditor/inspectors) at CAAV HQ and 19 auditor/inspectors at airport authorities.

Target number for ANS auditor/inspectors by field shall be decided by CAAV.